Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm madly in love with you and it's not because of your brains or your personality.

Our last three weeks have been amazing. Not only did we successfully get ourselves 3/4 of the way across country and back again, but we had a good time doing it. Our time in MT was wonderful and I feel closer to my sister's family than ever before. Aside from a few horrible meals in SD, there's really nothing to complain about. In fact, the only complaints are travel-food related. Well, that and chlorinated water; the smell makes me gag, which makes tooth brushing interesting, but that happens however I go about traveling. Not bad for a 3 week (and 45 minute) journey.

The only time WB and I are not in sync is when we come to a town where we know someone. I, the capitol E Extrovert, would stop at everyone's house along the way-- and time our days to stay with friends instead of paying for a hotel room. He, however, a lowercase introvert but an I nonetheless, would rather not bother anyone and just stick to ourselves. Life isn't perfect, and as Mick reminds us you can't always get what you want-- but of all the fights and complaints we could have traveling together, this is a pretty minor one. Should this bike trip across country ever happen, rest assured that I'll visit with everyone along the way and he'll just pedal himself along, meeting up with me at the end of the day, ready for a shower, whomever owns it.

Our early relationship was built on driving-- he got a job in Bangor 1 week after our first date. We'd drive to see each other, and then because we had no money (and gas was cheap back then) we'd drive around for enjoyment. We both grew up away from grandparents, so days of driving were a part of the deal. Add his love of driving to my love of figuring out where we are and you have a match made in heaven. He makes me laugh, and I think I return the favor. We think alike most of the time, like wanting to flip the map before finding a hotel-- the goal we each silently set, not needing to say it out loud until Boy asked if we were stopping. When we're on a road trip somewhere-- even just in the state-- I know we were made for each other. I married the right man. And if 3 weeks on the road confirms that, well, I guess I'll need no further proof, ever.

There's something about having, everything you think you'll ever need, sitting in the seat next to you.

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