Thursday, January 05, 2012

resolutions and reflections

I have not been writing. Like, at all. Which is not cool. How am I going to become a writer if I don't write! What I struggle with is writing in such a way that it can be helpful for me and not harmful to those about whom I'd be writing. So most of the time, it's easier to stare at a blank "new post" page and leave it at that. I need a new plan, because not writing is not the answer either.

That being said, I need to write more. I want to start my book this year. No, I need to start it this year.

When I was in high school, my pastor wrote a sermon at the start of Lent suggesting that instead of giving up bad habits, we take up good ones. Why give up chocolate when you could start doing one nice thing for someone? This has always resonated with me, and I'm taking it as my theme of resolutions this year. In fact, the only resolution I've ever kept is the one to drink my 32 oz nalgene bottle of water daily. This year, I want to be more forgiving of all people I encounter. None of us are perfect-- not even me, as much as I pretend otherwise-- and we all deserve to be treated well, no matter what baggage we bring to the table.

I had a good year last year, and I hope to say the same 360 days from now.


Wendy said...

You're right - you should write!

And just let me say, as an example of one who procrastinates,but finally got it done - there's still time. Take the Nike commercial advice ... Just Do It!

The Buck Shoots Here said...

Thanks, Wendy... all that is really holding me back now is not having a WP program on my computer, so all my personal writing is done on my blog, which is a bit public. I think step 1 is either creating a private blog or buying a program.... but being cheap I'll probably go with the former. :)

Meg said...

Might I suggest a piece of free software called Ommwriter. It's amazing! The trial version is free and then, if you like it and want to buy the full program, they ask for $4.11. It's worth so much more than that! :-)