... but you're freakin' me out. I don't love this video, but the song is spot on.
I can't believe we have US governors who are actively engaging in behavior that, in some circles, is considered human trafficking. People who were not born in America and escaped to Florida were told, by officials, that there was housing and work for them at the other side of this plane flight. That sounds like force, fraud and coercion to me. Good golly, Miss Molly, indeed.
It's been a rough time to be a person who naturally questions authority. It's also been rough to know you've tried to help a generation of kids learn to fact check statements, analyze for motivations, and to add their voices to the cries of a nation. I suspect the 2020s will be taught to future generations (if we get ahold of our climate impact and continue to survive as a species, but I digress) in the same way we talk about the Roaring 20s now-- sex, drugs, rock and roll, and corruption.
The Dobbs case was shocking, but only in that it confirmed what we've known for awhile: American women are not treated with the same autonomy as men. I felt the same way learning George Floyd's murder and resulting trial of his murder as I did watching Rodney King become a token of the riots in Las Angeles. It's not news that racism is thriving in America, but watching the fallout makes me wonder how other intelligent, thoughtful (white) people can't see it. And don't get me started how any citizen who truly loves this country and values what it stands for can continue to align themselves with the Republican party, which is now overtly working to only allow rich, educated, white men at the table.
Some days are hard to accept. Some days I do want to leave and not look back. Most days, though, I know I have to stand up and fight for what I know to be true. We can't be "the great melting pot" if we don't allow others to join us in our pool. People who identify as BIPOC experience more disadvantages to reaching 'the pursuit of happiness' than people who are white. Women are entitled to control over their minds and bodies.
America, it's time to look in the mirror. What we're saying doesn't line up with what we're doing.
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