Wednesday, June 09, 2010

no no drama

I don't know why, but Senior Drama is even more dramatic this year than usual. And it's not just my Sunshines, it's all of them.

I am so looking forward to Friday at 6 PM. And then again, I'm not, because I'm going to miss these Sunshines...


Wendy said...

Do you think the seniors might be afraid, which is making the drama more ... dramatic? I mean, things out there aren't so good, and I wonder how many of them are aware of what a huge mess our world is in right now, and they'd just like to be able stay in school ... where it's safe ..., but the idea of staying there one more day ....

Seems like the grads might be in a kind of emotional Catch-22.

The Buck Shoots Here said...

It's bigger than that (ie, the drama being caused by non-seniors) but yes, that catch-22 is a factor every year.

Wendy said...

You had just mentioned that it was "more dramatic this year", and I wondered, if perhaps, it had anything to do with current events ;), and that the kids were reacting to emotions they don't know how to express.

Graduation is a tough time.