Monday, June 29, 2009

go West, young family!*

We rolled out of town at about 5:15 (after running back home from bestfriends to retrieve the glove left behind. Baseball is serious stuff between 8 and 11 year old cousins who go years between catches.) We stopped for dinner in NH, at Crabby Jacks Mexican Steak House. Yes, I'm totally not making that up. It met our expectations just fine ("hey Mumma-- it's a Coke place!") The drive was uneventful except for the young male moose on the side of the road in NH. A bald eagle was circling overhead too... WB wonders what the totems would say about seeing both, together, with no one but us to witness?

We're stowed safely in Burlington, with the $2.99 internet access card. Only one machine can use it at a time though, so off I go to share.

Tomorrow looks like a ferry ride to NY and a stop at Niagra. I've never been, and am quite excited. No time to tour Burlington, but I'll be back. It's only 3 hours from home and has at least 1 cool college radio station. I do miss me some college radio...

Until tomorrow, gentle readers. Beaner and Nutty-- we love and miss you already!!!!!!

*a prize of a 4x6 copy of some cool MT shot I get to whomever can identify the reference!


Beth said...

Have a great trip and make LOTS of memories--I am looking forward to the updates.

Traveling Jones said...

Horace Greely would be proud. He stole the line from John Soule. (And they both said "man"; who cared if the man also dragged his forlorn wife and sick children against their will on a dangerous months-long journey across barren lands in search of the promise of something better.)