Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

It's possible that this is the last year of the Fearsome Foursome (ok, we don't really call them that but it sounded good tonight) theme-ing their costumes together. They've been doing this since the beginning, but there is discussion of breaking it up over gender lines. Either way, I love what this tradition has meant for our little family of friends. We've gone through 2 cycles of taking turns on who picks, and when it's your year to pick, you have to pick something that makes everyone happy. It's not always been easy, but they've done it. It's been fun charting their progress down the Street as they've grown up. The first year they got as far as the house on the corner before deciding they were done: tonight they did the whole walk and then some. In the end, it's still more about the costumes and the theme than it is about the candy. I hope that is what they remember when they are ready to take their own kids out.


Sara Ray said...

wow the kids have gotten big!!! is that ben on the right??

Lea Nolette said...

We ARE the fearsome foursome, and we always will be... :D Awesome pics, and in case no one gets the theme, we are from a Japanese anime called InuYasha...