Monday, June 09, 2008

if you don't vote... can't complain. At least that's my rule. So, everyone out there remember to vote, even if it does feel like a foregone conclusion.


phenomemom said...

I have the same rule. That's why I always vote. Not just to put democracy into action, but because I looove to complain. :)

Mike said...


Wendy said...

I did my duty :).

More fun that voting, though, is the feeling of community - when I go down the polls and see people I know, but whom I haven't seen in a while - like the head librarian, Eileen, whom I adore and completely respect, and the member of the Planning Board who wanted to approve our greenhouse, if only on principle, because he felt what we were trying to accomplish was "nobel", but was over-ruled by the less "romantic" members.

We, the people, are still refusing to give our Town Counsel the "right" to sell our ballpark. Yay! For Democracy!

Oh, by the way, one of our town counselors made it into an article in the Down East Magazine ;) - for a good thing ;). Go Shari MacDonald! I voted for her - I hope I don't eat those words ;).

Oh, P.S. I voted, but because I'm not a "Democrat" or a "Republican", I was only afforded the opportunity to vote on the referendum questions. I hope that shows my children (who went with me) how important I think our right to vote is ;).